$VER: RGFX.doc 2.0 (28.8.2004) ============================== IFF-RGFX: An extended graphics file format for Amigas and compatibles using XPK Author: Andreas R. Kleinert Date: V1.0 16 Nov 1997 (16.11.1997) V1.1 26 Nov 1997 (26.11.1997) V1.2 07 Dec 1997 (07.12.1997) V2.0 28 Aug 2004 (28.08.2004) Contact: Andreas Kleinert Credits: Peter Bornhall, Marcel Offermans, Achim Stegemann Preface ------- Since some time there's need for either an extension or a complete rework of the IFF-ILBM file format: one can't store chunky graphics and storing more than 256 colors only is possible in a very unusual manner. All that does slow down usage on graphics card-equipped systems very much. And IFF-ILBM's compression is not very efficient, too. IFF-RGB8, IFF-DEEP and IFF-YUVN aren't good alternatives, since they're mainly designed for 24 Bit images and/or make use of uncommon compression algorithms and/or color spaces. A first step to pass this by was SView's internal graphics file format called "SVG" (SView Graphics), but it was not an IFF file format and somewhat proprietary in other terms, too. Additionally, there's a name-clash with the new vector graphics format from W3C... RGFX is an attempt to design a new file format that unifies the following enhancements over IFF-ILBM et al: - a real, open IFF file format - fully documented - easily extendable - currently supports: - planar graphics ( <= 8 Bit) - chunky graphics ( <= 8 Bit) - 15 Bit graphics as RGB ( 3x 5 Bit) - 16 Bit graphics as ARGB (1 + 3x 5 Bit) - 24 Bit graphics as RGB triples ( 3x 8 Bit) - 32 Bit graphics as ARGB quadruples (8 + 3x 8 Bit) - allows to save these as either: - uncompressed - compressed with any available XPK-Packer This gives the following advantages: - you can easily (and quickly!) write raw chunky and RGB graphics without having to implement compression algorithms like CmpByteRun1 - nevertheless you can use any compression algorithm you like - if there a really new, efficient ones available, you don't need to wait for an extension of the file format AND your prefered image processing program; no, you simply select the corresponding XPK packer and everything is done 'automagically' Last not least: - as you may know, the XPK package now is GNU software and it's now somewhat more platform-independent than it was some years ago - allows to store separate viewmode information for all the three gfx/RTG systems, as there are: - AGA - CyberGraphX - Picasso96 This enables you to specify screenmode settings for several destination systems as well as a common default behaviour (AGA screenmode). - displays really fast on RTG systems when using a chunky or RTG storage format. No more waiting for 8 or 24 Bit c2p conversion ! - easily can be stored into and exchanged through the clipboard, since it's an IFF file format - already is supported by SuperView 7.30 (library version 19.5), soon should be supported by other programs, too - and more... Where can the docs be found ? The full archive should be available on Aminet under dev/misc/IFF-RGFX.lha It includes a textual description of the file format as well as a C header file, ready for use with your programs. Please help supporting IFF-RGFX to make Amiga graphics support more versatile! -- All mentioned trademarks are subject to their owners.